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Woo hoo! The day has come! The kilims are going to be exhibited!

Did you know that San Francisco’s De Young Museum has what is arguably the most important collection of Anatolian kilims outside of Turkey? Early, beautiful, stunning, colorful, wonderful, important kilims! Yes, this is true! And I have often lamented that these kilims are rarely shown. In fact, none of these kilims has been shown since the De Young moved into its new home. Yikes!

Well… the day has finally come when they will exhibit some of this collection… and that day is September 10th. This show is billed as “highlights” from the collection meaning that many many more pieces will remain squirrelled away in climate controlled boxes…. but I’ll take whatever I can get! Here is a full press release listing related lectures and a great write-up. I’m going to try to make it to Cathryn Cootner’s talk on October 15th.

Additionally, the De Young published a cool article showing the conservation team at the De Young preparing Kilims for exhibiting. And here is another interesting article relating a bit about the origins of this collection that was beqeathed to the museum by Caroline and H. McCoy-Jones in the 1980s. And finally, if you are a kilim addict (like me) then be sure to add the book to your collection. Very reasonably priced with lots of great full color images of this important collection.

Kilims were my first love when it came to collecting and importing rugs. Kilims have been somewhat overlooked in recent years after interest peaked in the 80’s and 90’s. But, from speaking to other dealers, it seems that interest in kilims has increased in the last couple of years. Maybe a new era of collecting and appreciating kilims is upon us. And maybe this De Young show is evidence of this growing resurgence. In any event, I am excited to see these pieces exhibited. And, I will post a new blog entry after my visit. Thanks for looking! Chris


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